30 September 2007

Reply To Miss W!

Well I had to reply to Miss W's comments about Ken Livingstone and Boris, I would at this juncture like it to be know that I am not a member of any political party and never have been.
Now my problem is with Ken's arrogance, and sheer waste of resources, he will not listen to others opinions on anything, and anyone who disagrees with him is a right wing racist! also what was all this about setting up some deal in Venezuela at our expense? He is the Mayor of London and should confine himself to London rather than jetting off to South America, and his support over the years for various terrorist groups is a fact, and is highly distasteful in my book, the man has had a good go, and now its time for someone else to try, I think Boris would be a breath of fresh air, and do try and ignore the media image of the man, he is a very shrewd and intelligent man.

Enough of the politics! Been a busy week, up to my eyes in studies, had my best friend round last night for dinner (home made lasagne) and we set up my study diary for now until my first exam in Jan, think I get Xmas day off. Was up at 4.30am today to watch the Japanese Grand Prix, my green pen writing nephew arrived from some dodgy club at around 5.00am, it seems he was a tad tired and emotional after a heavy nights libation, and promptly fell asleep for the whole race and only awoke for bacon butties...

Off to a birthday bash for my mate Steve's little terror Chris, the child is trouble with a capital T, the most mischievous little rascal I have ever come across........ Happy Birthday Chris!

Yours in Red Wine

19 September 2007

Come on you reds!!! Popped along to the Valley last night to see Charlton take on Norwich City, the first 20 minutes were the best footie I had seen Charlton play in a long time, Alex Varney looked very good, making some good runs, and with some match fitness he will be a major threat, was impressed with Jose Semedo, Andy Reid, and Lloyd Sam go better as the game progressed, Charlton looked much better for most of the game and should have had the game sewn up by midway in the second half, but we had to wait for Andy Reids penalty brace in the last 5 minutes. For much of the second half it looked that despite the domination we would only get a point, McKleod came on for the tiring Varney and immediately troubled the Norwich defence with is pace, so much that they conceded both penalties trying to deal with his pace.
Danny Mills was his usual self, he got Darren Huckerby going in his own special way, in the closing moments Dion Dublin playing at the back was for some reason in the vicinity of Danny Mills and lost his rag a tad and received his marching orders for allowing himself to get wound up by Mills. I cannot wait to see Danny Mills on the right and Ben Thatcher on the left squaring up to any unfortunate winger who goes near them, should be a few cards flying around with those two in the team.
On the way home tonight I spotted Andy Reid in a South London Street entering his newly aquired house, managed to have a brief chat with the soon to be legend..nice fella with a cracking left foot, and a rarity one of the few players to live in the Borough his club plays in, unlike the majority of Charlton players who seem to settle in the Wilmington area.

18 September 2007

Been a busy week, had Uni today, come home with loads of assignments to be done by next Tuesday, apparently this is the shape of things to come... New Romney Mountain Rescue have a weekend away at the end of Nov to the Brecons, luckily we are staying in a nice warm bunkhouse with a cracking waterfall just 200 or so yards away, perfect.
Also off to Bristol at the end of Oct with Tom and Dan to visit my Aunt and Uncle, looking forward to my Aunts cooking and the view over the Severn Channel.
Looking forward to the radio show on BRFM this weekend, will be good to play some good music, I miss it a fair amount but with the travel and my studies it would be impossible to do it every week.
So tune in on www.brfm.net this Saturday 2-6pm

15 September 2007

You may recall that a few weeks ago I mentioned some of the girls at work were rather keen to take me shopping for some new shirts, well it turns out this was a vehicle being used to get me hooked up with one particular female, I of course being a bloke did not see this coming in any way, being the shy wall flower that I am I ignored all the signs! Now the lady in question is around my age and has been keen on me for some time, I had no idea, but its seems the whole place is aware that she has the hots, let me tell you there is nothing more frightening than a gaggle of women hunting down their prey.... it all came to a head this week when the female in question egged on by her mates convincing her that I was game decided to make her move on me, she cornered me alone in the post room and practically threw herself at me..... sadly for her I do not find her in any way attractive and very politely threw her back!! she was distraught and reported back to her friends that I have rejected her advances, the other girls have decided that I am now a nasty man simply for not wanting to go out with this female, even had one coming up to me and telling me I was rotten for not taking this other woman out, all very unfair as I never encouraged this in anyway, and the fact that I really do not fancy this woman in any way, in fact I would go as far as to say out of all the women at work she is the last I would go anywhere with!!! so now I am nasty Pete, the man who rejected Olive Oils little sister.........
Now had it been the tall leggy blonde from our commercial department...............

Yours in the Dog House

13 September 2007

Listen out on the 22nd September I will be back on BRFM for one week only on the Sports Show, Dave is not there so muggings will be in, stand by for the usual rubbish on www.brfm.net 2-6pm

12 September 2007

Despite rumours to the contrary I do have a small amount of time to write my blog! Yesterday saw me back in study mode, for the first time in about 7 years, as if thats not enough I have an exam in January and two in July, apparently I have to do 175 hours of private study. We picked up our reading material yesterday, just for Unit A you understand, and already I have decided my man bag is not big enough.... the amount of books and paperwork is unbelievable. Hopefully this time next year i will have letters after my name. I expect my blogs will be less frequent for this reason.

Yours in a book

8 September 2007

Sorry for the lag of blog, been a tad busy catching up with some stuff I left to gather dust for a bit too long....
Been a very strange 24 hours, spent all day today helping Julz put up a fence, trouble was we had to remove the concrete posts form the old fence... man alive I ache.
Last night was not too good, got a call from my cricket team skipper, Nicky Venn one of my team mates was stabbed and killed in the early hours of Monday morning, his partner has been arrested. Nick was a really nice bloke, fairly quiet, but would do anything for the team, he helped me sort my run out early in the season and always had words of encouragement for team mates, and he was brilliant with Dan, its very sad he was only 34, too young.....

7 September 2007

2 September 2007

I have always had a golden rule, try not to volunteer for anything, I spent 20 odd years as a Scout Leader and the last 10 away from it swearing blind I would never go back, until I was lulled into a false sense of security last night, my mate Matt is a District Commisioner and managed to get a few beers inside me and somehow I have woken up today as the Scouts H&S advisor, god I must be mad, what have I done??
Yours in Shorts

1 September 2007

"In retrospect, of course I regret calling them morons. Imbeciles would have been more appropriate."... Simon Jordans quote about Charlton fans, such a nice man, so it is with great pleasure that Charlton have achieved their first away win of the season at Selhurst Park against Mr Perma Tans pathetic Palace! what a wonderful day to be an imbecile......