Its been a crap week. I ended up at the Drs Tuesday after being badgered relentlessly, apparently I am drinking a huge amount of water, I must admit I am feeling thristy a fair amount... so a test for diabetes was undertaken, my Dr is a bit of a giggle, she asked if i was going to faint when i saw the blood and if i was she was going to ask to get a few burly men in to keep me upright, luckily blood is not a problem, then she said how was I with pain and after telling her what a wimp I am with regard to pain she gave me a lecture on the pain of childbirth! once this had finished I reminded her compared to the great knacker incident of 2 years ago where 3 shots of morphine were required to let anyone near me, childbirth stung a bit! she called it quits on that, in between the giggles, it still amuses her greatly what happened there... so the test was done and my blood sugar levels are very good as is my blood pressure, which surprises me when you consider I have a teenager in the house.
Talking of the teenager, this week found us at his school for parents evening, his mother was in attendance with a list of petty things she wanted to bring up, the trouble was most of them were related to her other halfs son who also attends the school, so after an animated discussion where it was pointed out we were there to deal with our son's education not Timmy Malletts sons she came around to my way of thinking. It seems the teenager is doing very well in all subjects, the only contentious subject is Humanities (if anyone can tell me what humanities is I would be grateful) there appears to be a personality clash between him and his teacher, having met her I can see why... I took them to task over one teacher who seems to think it is ok to lock the kids in classroom during lessons... luckily his head of year took a dim view of that. It did have its lighter moments, the teeenager has become very interested in girls lately and has been breaking hearts a fair amount, we were in the canteen area discussing his lovelife when a brunette appeared and I asked Dan if he had been out with her yet, his reply was 'no she is a munter' I pointed out that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and after all I did end up marrying his mother, Teenager enjoyed that one, sadly the ex did not see the funny side!
Whilst talking away to his teacher I got to thinking that your average teacher is younger and better looking in my day, one did attract my attention, tall, dark haired and generally gorgeuos, apparently my son does not think its a good idea for his dad to take a fancy to his teachers.....for some reason he would not let us talk to her or get her number for me! Kids.......