8 July 2007

Vive Le France!!! We have just walked 5 mins down the road and watched the Tour De France hammer past, blink and you miss these buggers, they are very very quick, had some fun with a jobsworth PC who once the race had passed refused to let me cross the road to get home, so we had a discussion where i told him i was about to cross a public highway he told me i would get arrested, and i might get hit by a passing bike, now bearing in mind they had all past with there support vehicles some 10 minutes earlier it was quite obvious to anyone with half a brain that the road was clear, but not PC NoBrain, oh no you shall not cross was his attitude... so after pointing out he would have a lot of trouble getting a charge to stick I crossed the road into an animated roasting from PC No Brain number 2, who I chose to ignore!!!! I blame the bloody French!!!! Please note this outburst is in no way related to the fact I have given up smoking....
Yours in a Rage

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