20 February 2008

Watch out Saturday, I am back on BRFM 2-6pm for the Sports Show, I will be joined by Colonel Bertie, so the studio will smell of horses again! Lots of good music and all the sports news you can handle. You can listen on line at www.brfm.net and also view the webcam, so you can see what we are up to and what the horse smelling Bertie looks like! We will be taking requests, so ladies keep it clean, and remember Celine Dion is banned as is anything I deem crap......

Just been listening to Prime Ministers Questions, it seems to consist of Labour MP's asking planted questions which Gordon Brown is happy to answer, and questions from the Opposition, which he then avoids answering asks a question back then has a pop at the previous Tory Governments record, a few things strike me here, should the Prime Minister not actually answer a question, as after all it is Prime Ministers Questions (or have i missed something here) and secondly, the opposition have very few members on the front bench who were active in the last Tory Government, so maybe its time Mr Brown changed his attack.

There thats that off my chest... there all crooks anyway.

Yours in Guff Guff

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