8 July 2008


We have got our man for Saturdays show, Den Hegarty from Darts will be on live sometime between 5-7pm then we will hot foot it to the 100 Club to see Darts live.
I am not sure Doris who is coming quite realises what she has let herself in for, poor girl, Myself, Bertie and Doris will be joined by the Waddy and the Woods, Waddy and myself have history as far as Darts are concerned, in our younger days we would head home from the pub and would belt out Darts hits in our drunken stupor, it caused many a curtain to twitch I can tell you, obviously they appreciated our singing ability! I suspect that come Saturday we will be belting the hits out again!

1 comment:

M said...

Don't you be worrying about Doris - remember you have not seen her in full flow - just ask Miss Tearful ang CG whats she's like when out