8 April 2007

The things I do for the Radio Show!! I have spent 3 hours with Kev the Music. 3 hours of trawling through Eurovision failures to find some gems to bring you on May 12th, god there has been some crap! But we have found some really awful songs so bad they are good! Colonel Bertie is going to a do Eurovision Be Bop Bonanza made up of some of the best and worst of Eurovision.

I am thinking of jacking in the Saturday Show at the end of May the traveling is, frankly getting a bit much, if I go by train its a 4 hour round trip and it means my whole Saturday is focusing on my show, and leaves me with no time for my own social life which at the moment is non existent!
Good news GRFM is dead and long live Fleet FM! There will be a new radio station launched soon in the Gravesend area, keep an eye out for more info soon!

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