Eating just one sausage or around three rashers of bacon a day can increase the risk of developing bowel cancer by a fifth, an expert has warned.
Cancer fears over processed meat.
Just 50g of processed meat daily increases the chances of getting bowel cancer by around 20%.
This is from Sky News, I am getting a bit fed up with all these food scares we have, if its not sausages, its eggs, this just seems to be scare mongering, my Aunt and Uncle are in their 80s and my Aunt cooks some of the most wonderful food, but according to various studies over the years she should be dead. I am a stubborn old bastard at times, during the beef scare I eat more beef, during Edwina Curries assault on eggs I had one every day.
In this day and age we are constantly being bombarded with this type of information, various studies contradicting each other, scientists funded by organisations and companies with a vested interest, have to justify the cash spent on their employment, and the press jump on anything that could get a few cheap headlines. All this adds up to a very molly coddled society.
Children today have nowhere near the adventurous fun that I certainly used to, Councils are scared to build decent play area in case little johnny has an accident and sues them, as a Scout in my younger days we got up to some amazing high jinx, building aerial runways across a waterfall is something we did with no incident at all, not something I have seen for years. We also used to play great games, bulldog was a popular one, its banned now of course, in all the years I played it we had very few injuries, Kids love a bit of rough and tumble now and then, but they cannot because we have gone soft!
Right thats my rant over with for the day I am off for Sausage, Bacon and Eggs..........
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