19 April 2008

Regular readers will be aware that there are one or two faces on TV that I have taken a strong exception too, among them are Nasser Hussain, James Allen, Timmy Mallett, but with them I can understand that they have or have had some kind of talent at some stage, unlike Howard Brown of the Halifax Ads, now this man is a banker(read of that what you will) and search me as to why this twat has been haunting my TV screen for many years, for gods sake he cannot act let along sing, I understand the tosspot makes personal appearances? who on earth has such a sad life that they would want to meet this plonker? anyway pardon me for the rant, but finally good news has reached Finch Mansions, apparently Howard will not make any more adverts as Halifax feel a change is due and they want something much slicker and more professional....thank the lord for that, we can be finally rid of this odious twerp, although having said that he may end up on I'm A Celebrity or Celebrity Big Brother....personally I am all for Celebrity Execution, where a group of Celebs (rhymes with plebs you notice) come on screen and appeal for their lives, the loser is lined up against a wall and shot by the other celebs! now this idea has legs i think so if we can persuade Hussain, Allen and Mallett to join in...........


M said...

your ability to rant is only surpassed by your inability to recognise blonde highlights.

pete43 said...

I know Ginger when I see it, and that is Ginger!!! she doth protest too much

M said...

you are outvoted by many just admit defeat.