19 April 2008

Hello this is my new home from July for a short period then I am off to somewhere closer to home, more news on that nearer the time! I will be on every Saturday afternoon doing the usual sport and music, and of course you can listen online, also will be available online in June for a weekend somewhere else, can't say where yet but trust me it is big!

My ability to tell one colour from another has been called into question, I would like to state that I do know the difference between blonde and ginger highlights, after all I had a ginger brother, I say had as he appears to have lost a large amount of hair!

Had dinner with a friend the other night and she bought these brownies called GU, apparently they can be bought in Sainsbury's, if you get a chance get some and then dip them into some cream.....pure heaven.

1 comment:

M said...

just to set the record striaght on the brownies. Mr finch who says he is worried about his waistline eat three on the evening and then hid the others, I assume to eat with the leftover salad for lunch the next day