5 June 2008

I am still mildly grumpy, think its the job thing still annoying me or me just realising I am getting old.......
We have a Cricket match this weekend, we are playing in Eltham, at the ground my late Dad used to play at, I have some pics of him outside the pavilion there, so it will be nice to play there and do well! Apparently my Uncle told me some time back he was a left arm spinner, a bit like my son, and somewhere I do have a player of the year trophy of his, so he was not bad then, sadly he died when I was about 18 months so I never got to know him or see him play, what a shame....
I had a sports massage yesterday, apparently i have tight spot in my bowling arm,its the coracobrachialis muscle that is tight, its used to draw the arm forward and inward, which is important for my bowling action, well I was told that after the massage it would feel stiff...and I have located the said muscle, very easily this morning as it is as stiff as hell... may have to get a massage to relieve the stiffness!!!!

Busy weekend ahead for me, young Finch is at home, and we are off to Bas Vegas during the day Saturday for me to record a 30 second promo for my show, a family BBQ in the late afternoon and godson's in the evening then Sunday its cricket for me and young Finch.... so all in all a busy one.... I have just seen the weather forecast for Sunday and it looks dry and warm, but you never know with a 5 day forecast, it is always a movable feast!

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